Sunday, December 13, 2009

Not know how? Ask children

This may seem ridiculous. But only at first glance. Because often those rules that every child knows, we somehow forget. This may seem ridiculous. But only at first glance. Because often those rules that every child knows, we somehow forget.

1. Breakfast - the most important part of the day. And this is - necessarily

Children always eat breakfast. Of course, with the filing of adults, but none the less. And you? Remember: Breakfast - the most important meal, you can not miss. Depends on it your whole day. Moreover, as children, it should be nutritious and healthy, but not heavy.

2. Do not bring work home

Children often ask for it. And it makes sense. Office - for work, home - for recreation and family. Do not bring home work problems, it destroys your family. Shower, clothes or home gym after work will help to throw it out of my head until morning.

3. The only way to know how it works - make out to screw

Of course, it is primarily concerned with problems, rather than plasma panel. You can not solve the painful problem - Lay it on the shelves. For example, you write a book. Start with a short essay. Then you can easily have supplemented them, sistematiziruete, post a link, it is much easier than trying to cover the entire book at once, as a whole.

4. Why children do not give a credit card?

Of course, because all the money will be spent on useless toys that are already tired of the day. Think, do you have in the house "adult" counterparts of police cars and guns? How much? Maybe it's time to record their expenses? Then at the end of the month it will be clear where the money and found useless "eaters of the budget" - featured keyboard, for which you could not get used, or a couple of flash drives that you do not use.

5. Ask questions

You should be ashamed not to know, do not be ashamed to ask. Remember how many questions you ask the grown up "Pochemuchka? Your questions - it is your information, it is your knowledge about the world. Curiosity - a means of knowing the world, do not suppress it. You'll be surprised how much new information and ideas you get.

6. The best adult - those that we listen

Sometimes the most profound crisis can be easily overcome, if only someone listened to us. It is rare to find someone who can really feel the fact that he was told, and not just to wait a monologue talking, thinking about his. Try yourself to be a good listener, and protect such people from their environment.

7. Your body is designed to run, jump, throw a ball, swimming ... etc.
Children do not know the word "fitness", they know the word "game". Try it and you also refer to the sport. Instead of visiting the gym, you can build office football team - and useful, and fun.

8. Laugh

Of course, children, unlike us, do not know that laughter normalizes blood pressure, helps to relax, gives energy and new forces, leads to a life of harmony, helps to achieve and has to its own people. And still a lot of laughs.

9. From frills stomach ache

Those who are too much involved in sport, undermines the health and strength. Who is exhausting themselves diets - too. Anyone who entertains all the time, bad student, but someone who is learning all the time, has no friends. Many of the sun - heat stroke, little - an unhealthy appearance. It is quite simple - follow the golden mean.

10. Try to make friends as a child

That is so important for you to be - it is friendship, your relationship with another man, not comfort or personal gain. Love friends always - and when you or they are on top, and when the bottom. Be careful and patient.
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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Preferences for sex or any sex is better: a night or morning

Somehow, the traditional time for sex is considered to be night. Why, who do I answer? Most of us in the night falls down from exhaustion, in the head - only one desire: to bed, and ... sleep, sleep, and sleep. Do you not? So you all day in idleness. And if people from morning till night is busy earning money (a normal man does so, and most women - as well), then by 10 o'clock he had finished the entire stock of energy, he would have a detective look and ... - On the side. But do not get: after all, still need to marital duty to fulfill ... And here she is, our main problem: if you treat sex as to the execution of conjugal rights, he soon tired and bored with him and "second half"!
It is quite another thing when you get enough sleep, woke up a little earlier before the alarm clock, full of strength and energy, and the next - this curvy woman, rosy, rested .... Try! Once you start your affection, you will feel, how much more power you have and how much more you can do than in the evening. For such a cost even before going to bed, early to wake up! Of course, the ideal - in the morning when no need to rush anywhere, you can not wake up alarm clock, and when sleep enough. But such a luxury for most of us is allowed only during holidays or weekends. Well, the better to do sometimes the wife or husband surprises: an unexpected early morning sex adds cheer and give a good mood for the whole day! In addition, the whole day you'll have a mysterious look, shining eyes and a blissful smile on his face. Morning sex - a beautiful and safe replacement of strong coffee and other stimulants. Yes, another plus: "noted" in the morning, afternoon you can lie down without experiencing feelings of guilt for his fatigue. Although there who like: some like it in the morning so that evening they need to continue.

Disadvantages? Yes there is, as without them. First, you do not have time to brush your teeth (although you can and have time - it all depends on you). Secondly, if somewhat delayed morning sex, risk being left without breakfast. I think this is a small fee for unearthly pleasure - after all, have breakfast in the office or patience to dinner, and still be on the road to buy a muffin or a sandwich. Finally, the third - a morning sex so makes you grow soft and pliable, that darling wife will be able to easily persuade you to buy a new dress, shoes or rings, as you repent already half an hour. Well, you choose.

Is there? "Love without sex or sex without love"

Nevertheless, reciprocity must be even in the sensitive case - as a partnership in bed. Of course, adapt, and even fall in love with "just perfect lover, you can, but family life is not built only on sex, although there are those whom the family is not necessary - the benefit of their units.

Here's a more common problem encountered by both men and women - is frigidity or passivity is beloved.

Compare some of the cases of non-ideal pairs:

She does not like - he loves, with great sex. This couple will last long, because the sex did not detain the woman, and great sex with the unloved is always the case only at the beginning, then she will want to have warm-heartedness with love, which she herself wish to experience.

He loves - she "loves", but do not want to have sex, why not call out. Dear ladies, men may experience health problems on the background of your frigidity, in extreme cases, you are separating.

She likes - he likes to say that he loves and enjoys her love. These consumers also themselves and are in bed, preferring to pose rider, otherwise they are not something that is not strong, but applying any effort do not want. A woman only, and remains, that enjoy at least some affinity with the beloved, though she will get satisfaction from sex for long with this, though beloved, but still a passive lover.

She loves - He frankly did not like, but necessary to someone, when you want. Here, you'll never guess, because he can quickly satisfy their lust and, turning to the wall, sleep, or maybe the whole night to satisfy their desires, from which you will only be delighted.

On the problems of impotence - a separate conversation, here and help is needed otherwise, medical.

Perfect union is, of course, when both of the pair approached as a spiritual and physical terms, when they can not discuss the complex problems not only at work, but intimate. Of course, it is already high bar of confidence, but if you reach out to her together, presenting each other with mutual caresses, it might be expected to a strong family.

Indeed, many family problems arise because of misunderstandings and divergent views and interests of spouses, when one prefers to be just above, the second may be a "detriment to the rights, and then eventually just get used to it and sits down on his neck.

Through sex you can understand how a man relates to your relationship, but certainly there are exceptions, which should take an objective.

So what postures chosen by men? Something can be found on the Internet:


Men usually only "yes" when a woman takes the initiative in their hands. If a couple in most cases the preferred rider position, it may indicate that the pair was a change of roles. Sexologists believe that a woman who manifested themselves in an active role, may unconsciously associate themselves with a man. In other words, afraid to lose control of his hands.

Some of the men themselves want to "eternal rest", straining only one important "muscle".


He likes the missionary position. In itself, this posture is not a diagnosis. It is important to observe the other: if a partner so quickly reaches finale and leaves you, it means that he tends to quickly get what they want. If you received a copy of sluggishness, which is simply afraid to try alternative poses, just days before the time when you get bored - sex and the man with whom he was.

Well, if in a fit of passion, that was cast on the shoulders of his legs, "eye to eye", then it also has its own charm and women sometimes prefer this way.


Your man likes to keep things under control. It is likely that he just knows about the magic point G, where stimulation is most effective in this position. But according to some sources, so love to have sex by men who prefer not to see a woman in the eye.

But in fact - standing just more convenient.

Side by side

If a man loves to lay on your side during the act of love, it means he loves comfort and measured. We enjoy the slow-moving and unhurried development of relations.

And in general - in the morning is not even bad start with this posture morning sex.

All in one

If a man is not inclined to stop at a convenient position for him while watching your reactions and takes into account your preference is - you can be envied: your partner - the ideal lover.

Or just trying to please in every way, and for what purpose - one he knows.

Please remember that no matter what your union if you want serious and long-term relationship - talking about the problem, even if they do not, openly, without embarrassment, gently, and preferably after sex.

For example, ask about the blowjob, which you are doing, you feel perfectly, like whether he or a partner he would prefer to correct something.

Criticism of your and your partner should be seen only with the understanding and talking about it should be delicately. When we are silent, we gather in his dissatisfaction, because of which a partner may feel complexes. Decide together, and then your sex life will be improved each time.

List of phrases that can not speak for women

Dear men, I beg not to be offended! Do not knock yourself butted in the chest, saying: "Yes, I never ...», or" Yes, she is guilty ...», or "What can I do if she really like this ...». This article is written not to show you what you are bad. Moreover, I am sure that you really - very, very good. But maybe this article will help you a little better understanding of women. And your life will be happier and more harmonious.
So, what do not need to say a woman ...

"My mom makes the best" - mom better roasts chops, she better get salad, it is better than stroking his shirt and pants when she stroked, the needle does not diverge for weeks ... Cleaning the same apartment in my mother's performance - a song, and after its completion can not find a speck of dust, even in the darkest corner.

Instead of mom as an example sometimes cited sister, friend, ex-wife (honestly, this also happens!), The first school love ( "she sang, my heart froze as much") and so on. But more often it is better to make mom. And "my mom does best" - one of the worst phrases that kill the joy of family life.

This - the call for competition, which can not be won by definition. After all, children's performances differ uncritical and very firmly in the memory. Son may not remember that his mother did not know how to marinate mushrooms, but the wife - an excellent job with this task. It may simply discard the fact that his mother worked as a secretary part-time, while his wife took a senior position in a large company.

No, it does not call for criticism of parents. Never! I readily believe that my mother really does better. Especially if mom is her husband. But always tell my wife that she always makes everything worse - not the best way to achieve happiness in family life. Exhausted like a lose-lose competition, the wife may one day not to declare his darling: "If your mother does everything better, then go ka-you to her."

And then, my wife also has a mother. I can start arm wrestling: "My mom never added the minced garlic in!" - "And my mother said that garlic is useful for health, so it should add all the dishes!" Stalemate. And if at first "tug of war" is laughable, then over time it can lead to very serious problems of family relationships.

"Finally you're dressed in something decent!" - These phrases are not a rarity. I know a man who constantly tells his wife that she absolutely does not know how to dress. All his friends, he told me that his wife buys cheap clothes, which would seem to shy people milkmaid from a deaf, poor farm. "If I did not buy her clothes, it would be impossible to go near the street" - he said. The case ended in divorce.

If you are uttering such a phrase, want to make a woman a compliment, remember - this is not praise. This implies that before she dressed disgusting, and suddenly, by some chance, she finally managed to find a more or less decent clothes.

"When I took care of you, you were so beautiful!" - A phrase clearly indicates that the former beauty long gone. And what has come to replace ... eyes were not looking. This is - sorry about the past and lament the future. So remember an old anecdote: a woman about 45 early in the morning examining her face in the mirror. Seeing the wrinkles, bags under his eyes, looks back on her sleeping husband and angrily said: "So you fool, and we must!".

There are those who try to explain that yes, say something similar, but only to say, my wife something nice. That does not have such a "pleasant"! Why not say: "I look at you and admire: you are still 20!". Or: "When I took care of you, you were so beautiful, and has not changed!". Agree, is another matter.

"Where's dinner?" - A variant: "Why still do not wash your underwear?", "How long will I wait ironed shirt?". More offensive than it sounds just like when a woman at the hands of children, her own work, and she still has a house that is on it and washing and cooking, and cleaning. The man is extremely busy with their own work.

Instead of filing claims, you can easily understand - why the wife did not have time to do something. If the matter is that she does not know how to do it (and also happens like this, especially in young families), you should send it to the courses, at least to my mother. Crick and the requirements of the issue is not solved. If the problem is that it simply is loaded beyond measure, it is worth it to help and not to declare: "All reason enough time, one you never have time you can do.

"Where are you slipped my tie?" - A variant: a pack of cigarettes, a pen, a hammer, goggles, your favorite shirt ... Such a question immediately shows that the man at home doing nothing, just do not know where that lies. It only requires that cared for him. In the house he - as in a hotel where a maid, waiter, bringing order breakfast (room-service), there is a laundry, which is given to wash clothes ... However, the entire staff in one person, but it is even convenient - no need to go far to bring the claim. A little more, and he will leave his wife for tea.

Dear men, before angrily interest in his wife, which she tucked a hammer, think - and why it is generally touched before the hammer? After all, a hammer, in theory, men's work. Does not your fault that the hammer did not find it?

"What are you, stupid?" - Instead of answering any question. As kind: "What are you in the know", "none of your business", "Shut up, when not asked," Do not disgrace me in front of people. "

Actually, no one is obliged to know everything. And even if asked a question whose answer seems obvious to you, not the fact that it is equally obvious to others. Therefore, such a statement is "boorish vulgaris", ie, boorish ordinary, uncomplicated, and - most importantly - unnecessary.

Possible another option. It - really stupid. Happens. But what of that? Hence, it has attractions other than the intellect. For something a man guided by, offering her hand and heart. And, accusing it of stupidity, he primarily blames himself. If it's stupid, then who is he?

"You do not know how to do it!" - A variant: "You're ill prepared," "You do not know how to sew,"

"You do not know how to raise children" ... and so on. Typically, such a pronounced strain of the accused. But, dear man, if a woman does not know how to cook - and this also happens - will not it be easier to buy her cookbook? Honestly, it is much cheaper than wasting time, the nerves in the scandal and actually destroy the family.

"Your son - Grade retention!" - As if it were only her son, a man has no relation to him. The question is - and why his father did not rear their child is not involved with him? Wife accused easy. But in this case, you need only itself to blame - for the lack of attention to her child.

It is possible to continue indefinitely the transfer of unsuccessful utterances, destroying happiness, decomposing family. But most importantly, it is necessary to remember - the scandals and abuse do not decide anything. Power - the last refuge of the weak. Solve the problem can only calm discussion. And - basic! - Adoption of a partner his equal.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Intrakavernoznye injection of vasoactive drugs

Method intrakavernoznyh injection of vasoactive drugs in a fairly common and effective methods among conservative restoration of sexual function.

For the treatment of impotence using papaverine, phentolamine and prostaglandin E1, both as monotherapy and in their various combinations.

Papaverine was the first drug used for intrakavernoznyh injection. The practical application showed a fairly high efficiency of the drug for the restoration of sexual function (60-80%). Monotherapy impotence papaverine is limited in duration due to the high risk of cavernous fibrosis, priapism and hepatotoxicity of the drug.
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Safer drugs for intrakavernoznogo application is prostaglandin E1. Effectiveness of the method intrakavernoznyh injection of prostaglandin E1 is 70-80%.
Intrauretralnaya treatment of erectile dysfunction

For intrauretralnyh applications used the drug alprostadil, the active ingredient of which is prostaglandin E1. From the urethra drug absorbed from the bloodstream and enters the cavernous body, which causes a cascade of reactions leading to increased blood filling the cavernosal tissue and create an erection.

The action of the drug, introduced intrauretralno, the same as when intrakavernoznom introduction. Intrauretralnaya therapy is an effective method of restoring erections (60-70%), allowing to exclude an injection into the penis.

Transurethral system for the introduction of vasoactive drugs is a polypropylene applicator containing a single dosage (MUSE). One side effect was noted pain in the penis, rarely leads to cessation of treatment.

After urinating tip of the applicator gently introduced into the opening of urethra to a depth of about 3 cm residual urine serves as a "lubricant" for the tip of the applicator and solvent for the drug. By pressing a special button on the end of the applicator medicine (for consistency and properties resembling suppository) is introduced into the urethra. After that, the applicator is removed from the hole urethra. Within 10 seconds, the patient should massage the penis for better dispersion of the drug.

At present, proved highly effective in transurtralnom PGE1 infusion. At the same time stated the poor efficiency of this method of treatment in patients with the organic nature of the disease.

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Learning disabilities in children of school age

Often, even before the child's birth parents are beginning to dream what he will become. When years later, it appears that the child suffers from learning disabilities and can not achieve much in life, it becomes for them a heavy blow.

Some parents blame themselves, while others refuse to recognize the problem and place the responsibility on schools and teachers. However, the causes of learning disabilities is actually unknown.

Such parental behavior is understandable. In the end, it just makes them look for ways to help your child.


According to some reports, the number of children with learning disabilities is about 5% of the total number of pupils.


Learning disabilities - is a broad concept that applies to children with different problems: some people can not master reading, writing or oral expression, numeracy, logic, someone can not control his behavior. At the examination and monitoring of such children show unstable, unpredictable results. They are a violation of perception and attention, motor problems and behavioral problems. Children with learning disabilities are often impulsive and have difficulty in communicating.


The exact causes of learning disabilities is unknown. The main reason, apparently, are small irregularities in the functioning of the brain. There is something like a "short circuit", in which information is not received where you want.

Important role played by heredity. Studies have shown that if parents suffer learning disabilities, the same difficulties are common and children. Often, however, learning disabilities, children born into families where there has been no such problems.

Play a role, and external factors. Learning disabilities in children may be associated with the use of female drug and alcohol use during pregnancy. Its development contribute to lead poisoning, poor nutrition and low birth weight.

To establish the causes of disorders need further investigation. However, today it is known that children with learning disabilities often differ sharp intellect, leadership qualities, athletic, musical, artistic talent. The earlier identified learning disabilities, the greater the likelihood that a child will cope with the difficulties that await him and after school.

Main features

Parents - the first and best teachers of their children, and they often exhibit signs of learning disabilities. There is no exact set of symptoms, but some features should be noted.

In preschool

* The child begins to talk later than other children
* In need speech therapy
* Very slowly gaining vocabulary, difficulty finding the right word
* The hard-remember letters, numbers, colors, days of the week
* Easily distracted, unable to concentrate and follow the instructions teacher
* Poor possesses fine motor skills

In kindergarten and preparatory classes of school

* The difficulty in understanding the relationship between letters and sounds
* Often confuses simple words
* Blunder at reading and writing, rearranges the letters in words
* Mixes up the orders in the numbers (a sequence of digits), and mathematical symbols
* The hard-remember facts and learn new skills
* Awkward to hold a pen or pencil
* Often behaves impulsively, unable to plan their actions
* Has difficulty with the definition of time
* Suffers from poor coordination of movements, often gets into trouble

In elementary school

* With some difficulty reading and refuses to read aloud
* The difficulty in understanding the verbal content of mathematical problems
* Poor wrote, clumsily using a pencil
* Sure allocation suffixes, prefixes, roots and other parts of speech
* Poor memorizes material
* With some difficulty making friends
* Has low self-esteem
* Gets the worst mark for the control of work and on exams

In high school

* There is still poorly wrote
* Can not identify the main idea in the text and make a summary
* Poor remembers
* Executes the task very slowly or does not pay attention to details, or, by contrast, stuck to them
* Poor perceive changes and difficulty adapting to them
* Avoid anything that is associated with reading and writing
* Not able to learn abstract material
* Improperly reading comprehension

Survey of children with signs of learning disabilities

If teachers or parents suspect that a child suffers from learning disabilities, you will first need to confirm this assessment. There are special medico-pedagogical commission. The initiator of the survey may be made by doctors, parents, carers or teachers. But in any case require the consent of parents.

Ways of testing the child very much. It depends on the age and symptoms. At the first meeting of the Commission are invited, along with the child of parents. At this point, all family members are usually frightened and confused. It is better to prepare for the meeting and write down questions that I would like to discuss. Do not be afraid to clarify the meaning of the responses, if the experts use obscure terms.

Types of violations associated with learning disabilities, very much. Accordingly, for diagnosis using different techniques. Comprehensive survey begins with a medical examination to exclude disorders of vision or hearing. Then connect other specialists. Usually in the survey include:

* Talk with your child and monitor his behavior
* Study the history of the disease
* Talk with parents (information obtained from the parents, most important, because they know the child from birth and may provide important information about its development)
* Psychological testing, it usually carries a psychologist or neuropsychiatrist
* Study maps of psycho-pedagogical observation (assessment of the level of socialization)
* Assessment of speech development, the conclusion of a speech therapist
* Assessment of fine motor skills and sensory perception
* Assessment of large motor skills, muscle tone and coordination of movements

The survey is aimed at to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the child and understand that he can learn and where it is difficult. The information will be decisive in choosing the optimal conditions for its further study.

Development plan for learning disabilities

At the final meeting of the Medico-pedagogical commission each specialist makes its conclusion and proposes measures to correct symptoms of learning disabilities. Parents were present and actively participate in this process.

Learning disabilities, children often see themselves as stupid or lazy. In developing a program of assistance such guys need to pay attention to their strengths and talents. Should explain to the child that learning disabilities does not mean that he can not learn, it simply must be taught differently than other children.

Best of all, when the correction classes exist in a normal school. In this case the child does not get the feeling of alienation from peers. However, sometimes it is optimal to transfer to a special school.

Parent - the best defender of the interests of their child, but it needs to be well informed, is found more often with teachers and other professionals. Discuss the progress of the child. Parents have the right to examine any documents relating to their son or daughter. Correctional education is governed by the laws that you should always consider.

Following are the most common manifestations of learning disabilities.

Attention Deficit Disorder and / or hyperactivity. This is a neurological disorder that begins in early childhood and often persists into adulthood. The inability to control their behavior and actions. Diagnosis is neurologist.

Violation of language skills. Language learning is associated with two abilities: to understand spoken or read and be able to express their thoughts orally or in writing. If a child has a problem with the expression of his thoughts, it becomes apparent when he begins to speak. Problems with understanding is not so obvious. Children may also be difficulties with abstract thinking or finding suitable words. If you suspect that a child's problem is with language skills, it can be clarified with the help of special tests.

Difficulties with reading. Children may have difficulties in understanding, analysis and retelling of the text. A general term that is used to refer to these problems - dyslexia. Corrective actions are selected individually. These children often also face difficulties in counting, writing, etc.

A few words in support of "learning disabilities" children

Is clear that children with learning disabilities feel flawed. Increase their self-esteem - an important challenge for teachers and parents.

Not be obsessed with the inferiority of the Child underlines and better develop its strengths. Help him find an interesting hobby. Classes in music, art, visiting drama group, sports team and other group sessions will give your child a chance to prove themselves.

Know your rights. Stay up to date news related to correctional education. Unite with other parents who can provide help and support. And most importantly - do not give up. Investigations are continuing problems, and it gives parents and children hope for the best.
Rx Connecticut

If a child eats badly

But as soon as lunch time, you start the problem? Until recently, your baby meekly ate everything that was given, and now requires sandwiches with jam, and on vegetables curve and said "fu"?

Maybe he does not like that steak on the plate lies directly in the mashed potatoes, or he refuses all green, or two weeks of eating yogurt for breakfast, and then said that he was to endure them can not?

Dealing with picky is not easy, but, as difficult as you do not have, do not let the events in the kitchen turn into a real war.

Some tips

Trouble-free way to get children to try and love some food there, but psychologists still give parents some advice.

1. Try to diversify the food. The more you offer your child new foods, the greater variety of foods he will eat.
2. Do not give. Do not stop to offer your child a dish just because he abandoned it a few times.
3. Themselves set an example and eat a healthy diet. Try not to bring home chips, cookies, cakes and other foods, not useful for your child.
4. Do not try to promises or threats to force the child to eat. If you promise to pay, the child will think "perhaps this is really disgusting, if then I promise that!"
5. Do not force your child to eat everything up. Appetite children is about a quarter of the adult meal, so do not force your child to eat more than he can.
6. Do not threaten a child and did not punish him. Do not show the baby that you are concerned about and worry about it. If the way the child was simply seeking attention, he will continue in the same spirit.
7. Let your child choose yourself. If food is preferred by the child, nutritionally adequate, let him eat it up. Do not be fooled, if he eats the same thing for quite some time.
8. Give your child a snack between meals. If a child ate poorly, try a couple of hours to offer him something useful - fresh fruit, vegetables or whole-wheat crackers. So you're confident that he is not starving.
Rx Missouri

If the child does not drink milk

Remember how my mother tried to convince you to drink milk? Now you to struggle with their own children and do not understand why it is so difficult to get them to at least take a sip this useful drink.

Milk - a rich source of calcium and protein, but many parents complain that children do not want to drink it. If you have the same situation, you probably wonder why this is happening and what you can do. Maybe the child does not like the taste of milk? Or after the milk had a stomach ache? Maybe in 9 years it is quite enough juice, soda and sports drinks?

In the 1990's. National Institutes of Health came to the conclusion that many Americans, and not only children, do not get enough calcium. Meanwhile, calcium - the main component of mineralized tissues, is required for normal growth and development of the skeleton and teeth.

Children 6-8 years should receive daily 800 mg of calcium. And between 9 and 18 years - 1300 mg of calcium is found in 4 cups of milk.

If a child drinks milk instead of juice, soda and sports drinks, should limit their use. Replace them in the refrigerator for fresh milk, water, and 100% juices (some of them, such as orange, add calcium).

Excess soda water can reduce the level of calcium in the blood. Soda contains phosphorus, the label he often referred to as phosphoric acid. Phosphorus is also needed body. But it is not in him, and in the ratio of phosphorus and calcium in the diet of the child. The ideal ratio of calcium and phosphorus - 1:1. Excess phosphorus and the ratio of 1:2 leads to the fact that the body begins to take calcium from bones to restore the balance. This leads to a lack of calcium.

If the child does not like milk, it can get calcium, along with other dairy products, for example, there are yogurt, cheese, drink milk shakes from frozen non-fat yogurt or ice cream. Calcium is also found in other products - broccoli, cabbage, spinach, tofu, canned salmon. You can offer your child orange juice with added calcium.
It is important to understand why the child does not like milk. Check that no matter whether he has milk indigestion. This will help food diary. Write down when you give your child certain dairy products, and how he felt after a few hours. If, after the dairy a child feel uncomfortable, consult your pediatrician - perhaps your child has lactose intolerance. Milk contains no lactose, is sold in shops as usual.
Rx West Virginia