Friday, September 18, 2009

If the child does not drink milk

Remember how my mother tried to convince you to drink milk? Now you to struggle with their own children and do not understand why it is so difficult to get them to at least take a sip this useful drink.

Milk - a rich source of calcium and protein, but many parents complain that children do not want to drink it. If you have the same situation, you probably wonder why this is happening and what you can do. Maybe the child does not like the taste of milk? Or after the milk had a stomach ache? Maybe in 9 years it is quite enough juice, soda and sports drinks?

In the 1990's. National Institutes of Health came to the conclusion that many Americans, and not only children, do not get enough calcium. Meanwhile, calcium - the main component of mineralized tissues, is required for normal growth and development of the skeleton and teeth.

Children 6-8 years should receive daily 800 mg of calcium. And between 9 and 18 years - 1300 mg of calcium is found in 4 cups of milk.

If a child drinks milk instead of juice, soda and sports drinks, should limit their use. Replace them in the refrigerator for fresh milk, water, and 100% juices (some of them, such as orange, add calcium).

Excess soda water can reduce the level of calcium in the blood. Soda contains phosphorus, the label he often referred to as phosphoric acid. Phosphorus is also needed body. But it is not in him, and in the ratio of phosphorus and calcium in the diet of the child. The ideal ratio of calcium and phosphorus - 1:1. Excess phosphorus and the ratio of 1:2 leads to the fact that the body begins to take calcium from bones to restore the balance. This leads to a lack of calcium.

If the child does not like milk, it can get calcium, along with other dairy products, for example, there are yogurt, cheese, drink milk shakes from frozen non-fat yogurt or ice cream. Calcium is also found in other products - broccoli, cabbage, spinach, tofu, canned salmon. You can offer your child orange juice with added calcium.
It is important to understand why the child does not like milk. Check that no matter whether he has milk indigestion. This will help food diary. Write down when you give your child certain dairy products, and how he felt after a few hours. If, after the dairy a child feel uncomfortable, consult your pediatrician - perhaps your child has lactose intolerance. Milk contains no lactose, is sold in shops as usual.
Rx West Virginia

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